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L.I. Advocacy Groups Press For Campaign Finance Reform

Jessica Opatich

On Tuesday government reform groups called on New York State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R-2) to bring to a vote a bill that would close what’s known as the “LLC Loophole.”

The loophole allows donors to skirt limitations on individual campaign contributions by donating anonymously through one or more limited liability companies.

The bills are stalled in the state Senate with just five days remaining in the legislative session.

Olivia Santoro, with the Long Island Progressive Coalition, joined about a dozen people outside of Senator Flanagan’s office in Smithtown today.

“The ball is really in the court of the state Senate. We’ve seen bipartisan support in the state Assembly, we’ve seen the governor come out in favor of closing the loophole, so we’re really just waiting on our Senate to take a stand on the issue.”

Flanagan has called the bills put forward by Governor Andrew Cuomo “red herrings.” In a statement issued two weeks ago, Flanagan called for more comprehensive campaign finance reform.

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