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Malloy Continues Push For 'Second Chance 2.0' Criminal Justice Reform Bill

Jessica Hill

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is still pushing lawmakers to deal with his criminal justice reform bill called 'Second Chance 2.0.' The state legislature failed to bring up the bill when they passed the state budget in special session last week. 

The bill raises the age for which a defendant is considered a juvenile and allows most defendants accused of misdemeanors to be released without bail.

Malloy used a roundtable discussion in Hartford on Monday to call on lawmakers to revisit the bill sooner rather than later.

“I’m all in on this because I know its life changing. And I know its life changing for disproportionately black and Hispanic people.”

Republicans say it’s unfair for Malloy to push lawmakers to deal with the bill in special session. Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-34) from North Haven, said, “On both sides of the aisle, I think people have some problems with the policy of taking 18- to 20-year olds and treat them as if they are juveniles. I think there are some people who have some serious concerns about the broad nature of those policies he’s trying to push.”

The Republicans accuse the majority Democrats of failing to have a vote on $300 million in state bonding during the special session last week in an effort to rally more support for Malloy’s bill.

As WSHU Public Radio’s award-winning senior political reporter, Ebong Udoma draws on his extensive tenure to delve deep into state politics during a major election year.